Privacy Policy 


Updated December 29, 2022




Please read this Privacy Policy to understand how we protect your privacy when interacting with City Chic Collective USA Inc, trading as Avenue ( “Avenue,” “we,” or “us”) by telephone, through or (collectively, our “Website”), through our channel partners and through Social Media platforms we use to interact with you.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to assist you in understanding the type of personal information we may collect from you, how such information may be used, and the choices that are available to you concerning the use of your information.


Our privacy principles


- We take your privacy seriously.

- We are committed to protecting the security of your personal information.

- We comply with data privacy laws when using your personal information.

- We only use it for lawful reasons you expect or that we explain to you in this document.

- We will limit our collection and use to details we really need or which you have provided.

- We will explain your rights to control your personal information to you and how to use them.


By interacting with us through our telephones, website and social media platforms, you sent to the use of information that is collected or submitted as described in this privacy policy.

If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this policy, do not provide personal information to us or use our website or communicate with us on any social media platforms. 

We may make changes from time to time or add to this privacy policy, so we ask you to review this privacy policy regularly so that you can be familiar with our current privacy practices. 

Note that the examples contained in this Privacy Policy are illustrations only, and not intended to be exhaustive.



Personal Information We Collect


Avenue collects information from a variety of sources, including: information you provide to us, transaction information, information we collect via technology-enabled services, and information we collect about you from third-party sources.

In this Privacy Policy, “personal information” means any data or information by which you can be identified or contacted, such as your name, address, email address, telephone number, etc.

The information we collect depends on how you interact with us, and may include the following:

  • Information You Provide to Us. Avenue collects information you provide to us, when using our Website, through our retail operations, or otherwise. For example, if you place an order or register on our Website, and provide your name, address, email address, telephone number and credit card or other payment related information, you are voluntarily providing us your personal information. We also collect information you submit when participating in our various services, promotions, programs or surveys, or when seeking support from us in the use of our products and services. In addition, we collect and maintain information about your transactions with us, such as shopping history and preferences.
  • Device Data. Each time you visit our Website, or Social Media platforms our servers may automatically collect certain information describing your visit, including your IP address and browser information. By itself, an IP address is not personally identifiable, however this information may be combined with other personal information and we may maintain a record of your products interests and purchases you make in our stores or online.
  • Location Data. We collect data about your location, which can be either precise or imprecise. Precise location data can be Global Position System (GPS) data, as well as data identifying nearby cell towers and Wi-Fi hotspots we collect when you enable location-based products or features. Imprecise location data includes, for example, a location derived from your IP address or data that indicates where you are located with less precision, such as at a specific store location, city or postal code level.
  • Information from Other Sources. Avenue also receives information about you from publicly available sources, from other companies, joint-marketing partners or from unrelated third-parties including, but not limited to information on your creditworthiness for private label credit card offers, and products you may be interested in purchasing


How We Use Personal Information


Avenue uses the information we collect for three basic purposes, described in more detail below: (1) to operate our business and provide the products we offer, (2) to send communications, including promotional communications, and (3) in connection with advertising. Some of the specific uses are as follows:

  • Operating our Business. We use information to provide and improve the products we offer and perform essential business operations. This includes operating the Website, delivering purchased products, maintaining and improving the selection of products, including developing new features, research, and providing customer support. This also includes sharing personal information with third parties who provide services to us, such as credit card processing, order fulfillment, website analytics and management, marketing management, information technology and related infrastructure provision, customer service, e-mail delivery, auditing, and other similar services.
  • Communications. We use information we collect to deliver and personalize our communications with you. For example, we may contact you by email or other means to inform you about products that may be of interest, or orders in process and returns, remind you about items left in your online shopping cart, update you or inquire about a return request, invite you to participate in a survey, or tell you that you need to take action to keep your account active. Additionally, you can sign up for email subscriptions and choose whether you wish to receive promotional communications from Avenue by email, by text messaging, physical mail, and telephone. For information about managing email subscriptions and promotional communications, please see the Opt-Out Choices for Communications from Avenue section of this Privacy Policy, below.
  • Advertising. We may use your personal information to notify you about new products, and to advertise our products and services in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Your Website visit, marketing experience, and communications may be tailored to your interests based on your personal information. We may also use personal information in order to respond directly to your information requests. We may use your Personal Information to deliver customized advertising to you on the Website, on other websites and on other digital and offline media channels, including Social Media platforms. 


Reasons We Share Personal Information


We share your personal information with your consent or as necessary to complete any transaction or provide any product you have purchased, requested or authorized. For example, we share your address with third parties when you tell us to do so, such as when you order an item through our Website and ask us to deliver it. When you provide payment information to make a purchase, we will share payment information with banks and other entities that process payment transactions or provide other financial services, and for fraud prevention and credit risk reduction.

In addition, we share personal information with vendors or agents working on our behalf for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.  For example, companies delivering packages, processing credit card payments, processing transactions and fulfilling orders, providing customer service, providing website usage analytics, providing search results and links (including paid listings and links), providing targeted advertising, sending email, direct mail, SMS or other communications, providing marketing assistance and data analysis or enhancement, or performing other administrative services. may need access to personal information in order to provide those functions.

In such cases, these companies are only authorized to use personal information they receive from us for the purposes for which they are engaged.

We also may disclose personal information as part of a corporate transaction such as a merger, consolidation, restructuring, reorganization or sale of some or all of Avenue’s assets, whether as a going concern or as part of an insolvency proceeding, in which your personal information will be among the assets transferred or consolidated.

Finally, we will access, transfer, disclose, and preserve personal information, when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to:

  • comply with applicable law or respond to valid legal process, including from law enforcement or other government agencies;
  • protect our customers, for example to prevent spam or attempts to defraud users of our products, or to help prevent the loss of life or serious injury of anyone;
  • operate and maintain the security of our stores, Website, and other facilities, including to prevent or stop an attack on our computer systems or networks; or
  • protect the rights or property of Avenue, including enforcing the terms governing the use of the services - however, if we receive information indicating that someone is using our services to traffic in stolen intellectual or physical property of Avenue, we will not inspect a customer's private content ourselves, but we may refer the matter to law enforcement.


How To Access and Update Your Registration Information 


In order to maintain the accuracy of your registration information, including related personal information, if you have registered on our Website, you may access and update your name, address, telephone number or email address any time by visiting our Website and clicking on the My Account or Login link at the top of any page and registering/logging in with your username/email address and password. 


Other Important Information Relating to Privacy 


  • SMS. Avenue uses cookies to collect information around abandoned shopping carts. A cart is considered abandoned within one hour of inactivity/lack of purchase. Once the cart is considered abandoned, an SMS message will be sent as a reminder.
  • Social Media. Avenue uses various social media platforms (“Social Media,” including, without limitation, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube) to communicate with its customers and others interested in the business. If you contact or interact with us through Social Media, we may contact you via direct message or use other Social Media tools to communicate with you. In these instances, Avenue’s interactions with you are governed by this Privacy Policy as well as the Privacy Policy of the Social Media provider used. Please note that various Social Media platforms utilize features, such as the Facebook Like button, that may collect information about your IP address and page you’re visiting on our Website, and they may employ tracking technologies, such as cookies.
  • Data Aggregation. Avenue also collects information about how users navigate through our Website or Social Media platforms. This statistical information is gathered in order to improve the Website and our product offerings. This aggregated information may be shared with Avenue vendors or other Avenue partners. This aggregated statistical and navigational information does not include individual names or personal information.
  • Avenue-Branded Credit Cards. Avenue-branded credit card accounts are issued and managed by a third party, Comenity Bank. When you apply for a credit card through the Website or at a store, you provide your financial and personal information needed for Comenity Bank to process your application. Avenue is independent of Comenity Bank. To obtain a financial Privacy Policy for the Avenue credit card, please click here.
  • "Tell a Friend" and "Referral Programs". If you elect to use our referral service to inform a friend about our products or services, we will ask you for the friend's contact information. We will then contact your friend, as you have directed, related to your referral request. We use the personal information you provide for your friend in this situation to send information that you have indicated your friend should see and to track the success of our referral program.


Cookies, Web Beacons And Other Similar Technologies 


Avenue uses technologies such as electronic communication protocols, cookies, embedded URLs or pixels, or widgets, buttons, tools, web beacons, and "tag" technology to enhance the browsing and shopping experience on our Website and to gather additional user information.

Cookies are small files or records that we place on your device to collect information about your activities on our Website.

Web beacons and tags are small strings of code that are used in conjunction with a cookie and that allow us to record activity on our Website.

There are no personally identifiable pieces of information stored anywhere in these files, and they are used solely to enhance your shopping experience and to allow us to serve you better in the future.

The information captured makes it possible for us

(i) to speed navigation, keep track of items in your shopping cart, and provide you with custom tailored content;

(ii) to remember information you gave to us so you don't have to re-enter it each time you visit the Website;

(iii) to monitor the effectiveness of some of our marketing campaigns; and

(iv) to monitor total number of visitors, pages viewed, and the total number of visitors served.




So we are clear, cookies are the nickname for tiny text files which some websites pages place on the device you use to access them, to give us encrypted information such as to remember what you have put in your basket when shopping, your preferences, whether you have an account and what cookies you have accepted. They will not collect your name, address and payment card details but send back technical facts.  They also help us to understand and sort out technical errors which sometimes happen online. We need cookies to make our websites, apps and your device able to work well together. Some cookies are our own (or we are licensing from Arcadia Group temporarily during the initial phase of our ownership of Evans online business) but we also work with carefully selected third parties to help us and who set their cookies from our website pages and to help us run our websites (these are called third party cookies).  You will not be able to buy from us online and your browsing experience may not be as enjoyable if you block your device from receiving cookies.


We use cookies online to do the job a good sales assistant does in store, noting what you are interested in, seeing if we can help show you where those items are, find more like them and tell you about products which work well with them. We can also tell you about special offers and promotions, just like they would.


Personal information does not include information where your identity has been removed or is unknown (anonymous data).  Some of this information may only be identifiable to you and personal because you are logged in to your account, or because we have collected details of your IP address or the device that you have used to access the website. Where we can, we prefer to show you adverts online which you are more likely to be interested in.


Normally until you buy from us, you are an unnamed user of our website but we want to make you a customer. We work with online advertising partners to do this. They set a cookie from our webpages and this allows them to spot when you use the same device on other websites they publish ads on. They can then make sure you see an ad from us (retargeting). In some cases, the ads you see from us online will be more tailored to you (tailored or behavioural ads). This uses known and observed information about you to try and categorise you and predict what you will want to buy and which offers you will most like (profiling). This will be from our knowledge of you as a customer with us and from your use of our websites but we do not share that detailed information with those advertising partners. In other cases, it will be based on what advertising partners /social media providers know about you from their cookies and use of their websites but we do not receive the detailed information from these websites. 


If you do not wish to accept cookies, you can block them by adjusting the settings on your Internet browser. You can find more information about cookies and how they work at

You can get more information about cookies and can change your mind about cookies at any time. if you want more details or to change your mind, see our cookies policy here.


Chat Boxes


When you participate in our Live Chat feature, Avenue can record and use your communications and the information you provide to assist you during the Live Chat session, to provide customer service, improve our products and services, and for marketing.


Marketing and Advertising Services


We may use your Personal Information to deliver customized advertising to you on the Website, on other websites and on other digital and offline media channels.

Avenue uses third party service providers to help gather and analyze information about our visitors (anonymous traffic, and from time to time, individual user activity) on our Website, through Social Media, and on other websites. These service providers help us conduct our business and deliver the most relevant products and services. They are bound by confidentiality and are not authorized to use your personal information for any purpose other than the one for which we engaged them.

These third-party vendors may connect information about your activity with Avenue with information about pages you visit on other websites and social media channels and show you advertising or trigger email or social media advertising based on this combined information.

We may use your personal information to match it with other public and private data sources in order to enhance our records or enhance our ability to provide products and services, such as appending additional information to your profile.

We use a variety of service providers to perform advertising and analytics services, and some of these companies may be members of the Network Advertising Initiative (“NAI”) or Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”). You may wish to visit, which provides information regarding targeted advertising and the opt-out procedures of NAI members. You may also want to visit, which provides information regarding targeted advertising and offers an opt-out for DAA-participating companies.

We use Google Analytics, which uses cookies and similar technologies to collect and analyze information about use of the Channels and report on activities and trends. This service may also collect information regarding the use of other websites, apps, and online resources. You can learn about Google’s practices by going to, and opting out of them by downloading the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on, available at

Please note opting out through these mechanisms does not opt you out of being served advertising. You will continue to receive non-targeted advertisements while online.


Third-Party Advertising 


Avenue participates in interest-based advertising, also known as Online Behavioral Advertising. We use third-party advertising companies to serve our ads across the Internet and to display ads tailored to your individual interests based on your browsing and shopping activities. These companies use and collect information about your visits to our site and your interaction with our products and services in order to serve more relevant ads. These targeted advertisements may appear on our Website or on other sites that you visit. The information is collected through the use of a pixel tags, cookies, or other technologies.

If you do not want the Network Advertising Initiative member companies to collect this information, you may opt out of all such tracking. To opt out, please click the following link: Opting out does not mean that you will stop receiving ads from us. It means that you still stop receiving ads from us that have been targeted to you based on your visits and browsing activity across websites over time.


Opt-Out Choices for Communications from Avenue


To be removed from a direct mailing list or an email or Social Media marketing list, please follow the instructions below.

  • For direct mailing (snail mail) marketing list:
    • Get in touch by calling, writing or emailing the contact information provided in the Contact Information section below;
    • Please make sure to provide us with your exact name and address or the mailing label from your catalog or postcard, as applicable, so that we can identify you correctly; and
    • We will make every effort to implement any choice you make as soon as possible, but you should allow approximately 45 days for mailing change requests to be fully implemented. Any mailings that you may receive during this time do not reflect your subscription status, and we ask that you please disregard them.
  • For an email marketing list:
    • Click the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any page on our website; or
    • Click the “Unsubscribe” link in any of our marketing emails you receive.
    • We will remove you from the applicable lists within 10 days of our receipt of your opt-out or unsubscribe request.
  • For Social Media lists:
    • Please click on the “un-follow,” “un-friend,” “unsubscribe,” or similar button and follow instructions provided by the Social Media platform. 
    • Each Social Media platform has an opt-out process, but they are not the same, and we do not control those processes.
    • We distribute text messages to devices of those who have requested such information via an opt-in request. To opt out of Avenue mobile messaging, reply “STOP” to text messages sent from us or follow any unsubscribe instructions in the applicable text message.

If you choose to be removed from our marketing lists, we will still contact you in connection with transactions you initiate with Avenue, for example, we will still send you order and confirmation emails and ship packages to you as requested.

Your choice to opt in or opt out of promotional communications will not affect any orders you place with Avenue or any account registration you have with us.


Unsolicited Promotional Communication


Avenue does not send unsolicited promotional communications such as emails and text messages. Avenue only sends marketing communications to customers who agree to receive them except when they have been referred by another user. 

Our online order form contains a pre-checked box signifying your consent to receive promotional emails. If you do not wish to receive such emails, please un-check the box. See the Opt-Out Choices for Communications from Avenue section of this Privacy Policy, above, for more information.


Do Not Track


Avenue does not directly track its customers over time and across third-party websites to provide targeted advertising and therefore does not respond to Do Not Track (DNT) signals. However, some third party sites, including some suppliers to Avenue, do keep track of your browsing activities when they serve you content, which enables them to tailor what they present to you. If you are visiting such sites, your browser may allow you to set the DNT signal on your browser so that third parties (particularly advertisers) know you do not want to be tracked. See the support information for your browser to learn how to handle DNT signals.

Third parties that have content embedded on Avenue’s websites such as a social feature may set cookies on a user’s browser or obtain information about the fact that a web browser visited the Website from a certain IP address, for example.


Children's Privacy 


Our Website and Social Media are not directed, targeted or intended to be used by children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect any personal information from children under the age of 13. If you are under 13 years of age, please do not provide your information on the Website. If the parent or guardian of a child under the age of 13 believes that the child has provided us with personal information, the parent or guardian of that child should contact us (see Contact Information, below) to have this personal information deleted from our files. If we learn that we have obtained personal information from a child under the age of 13, we will use reasonable efforts to delete that information from our files.


Security of Personal Information 


Avenue is committed to protecting the security of your personal information. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. For example, we store the personal information you provide on computer systems that have limited access and are in controlled facilities. When we transmit highly confidential information (such as a credit card number or password) over the Internet, we protect it through the use of encryption.

We want your online shopping experience to be safe and secure. We encrypt your personal information, including your name, address, and credit card number when transmitting over the Internet using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) security software.

We employ a qualified security assessor to audit our procedures and we also retain third-party security providers to monitor and validate to ensure our compliance with these standards. All of your information is encrypted before, during and after your order is placed on our site.




Users Outside the United States of America 


Any personal information collected from or about individuals from outside the United States is processed and stored in the United States. When you provide personal information to Avenue, you consent to the processing, accessing, transmitting and storing of personal information in the United States. If you do not consent to providing your personal information to Avenue in the United States, then you should not use the Website or our Social Media accounts.


Links to Other Websites


Avenue occasionally provides links on our Website to other non-affiliated websites to enhance your shopping experience. These other websites operate independently from Avenue and will have their own privacy and security policies. We strongly encourage you to review these policies at any website you visit. Avenue does not take responsibility for such non-affiliated websites.


Effective Date and Policy Changes


Avenue may from time to time make changes to its Privacy Policy to reflect changes in its privacy practices. Accordingly, Avenue reserves the right to revise or modify this Privacy Policy in whole or in part at any time. We will inform you of any update to our Privacy Policy by posting a notice on our website. The effective date of the updated policy will be the date posted on the notice. The updated policy shall replace any prior policies and will be applicable to all current and past users of our websites.


California Privacy Laws



This California Privacy Notice is effective as of January 1, 2023.

This notice supplements our Privacy Policy and applies only to California residents. This California Privacy Notice sets forth the disclosures and rights for California Consumers regarding their Personal Information, as required by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”), the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 ("CPRA"), and any implementing regulations adopted thereunder. Terms (including defined capitalized terms) used in this California Privacy Notice have the same meanings given in the CCPA and CPRA and the associated regulations, unless otherwise defined.




California Consumers have the right to request: (1) that we disclose to you what Personal Information we collect, use, disclose, and sell, including the right to request that we provide to you the categories and specific pieces of Personal Information we have collected about you (“Right to Know”) (2) that we delete the Personal Information we collect about you (“Right to Delete”); (3) that we correct inaccurate Personal Information we hold about you (“Right to Correct”), (4) to opt-out from the sharing of your Personal Information to a third party for cross-context behavioral advertising (i.e., targeted advertising) (“Right to Opt-Out of Sharing”), and (5) to opt-out from the sale of their Personal Information (“Right to Opt-Out of Sale”), all subject to exceptions set forth in the CCPA and CPRA. More information on each of these rights is below.

In your request, you must provide enough information to allow us to verify you are the person about whom we collected personal information, or their authorized representative. You must also describe your request with enough detail so that we can understand, evaluate, and respond to it. We can’t respond to your request if we can’t verify your identity. Making such a request does not require you to create an account with us, and we will only use the information you provide in a request to verify your identity.


Verifying Your Requests


We will take reasonable steps to verify your identity based upon the information you provide and the type of request you are making.

When you exercise your Right to Know, Right to Delete, and/or Right to Correct, we may ask that you provide us with information, beyond your full name, to verify your identity and fulfill your request. If we are unable to verify that the individual submitting the request is the same individual about whom we have collected information (or someone authorized by that individual to act on their behalf), we will not be able to process the request.




If you are an authorized representative submitting a request on a user’s behalf, please complete the applicable request per the instructions below.. Alternatively, you may submit a copy of a power of attorney under Probate Code sections 4000-4465. In either case, please also indicate in your email the nature of your request. The consumer’s identity, in addition to your own, will need to be independently verified in for us to fulfill your request. We may also ask the consumer to directly confirm with us that they provided you permission to submit a request. Please keep in mind that if we do not receive adequate proof that you are authorized to act on the consumer’s behalf, we may deny the request.


Right to Know


California Consumers have the right to know what information we have collected about you (the categories and the specific pieces of information).

If you are a California Consumer and would like to exercise your Right to Know, please submit your request at or by calling us at 1-888-843-2836

To have us provide specific pieces of information, we will require a signed declaration under penalty of perjury that you are the consumer whose Personal Information is the subject of the request.


Right to Delete


California Consumers have the right to request that we delete information we have collected from you. If you are a California Consumer and would like to exercise your Right to Delete, please submit your request at or by calling us at 1 888 843 2836.

Please note that as part of the verification process, once you submit a request to delete, we may follow up and require you to confirm that you want your information deleted.


Right to Correct Inaccurate Information


California Consumers have the right to request that we correct inaccurate information we hold about you. If you are a California Consumer and would like to exercise your Right to Correct, please submit your request at or by calling us at 1 888 843 2836


Do Not Sell or Share


Right to Opt-Out of Sharing

California Consumers have the right to opt-out of the sharing of your Personal Information to a third party for cross-context behavioral advertising (i.e., targeted advertising), whether or not for monetary or other valuable consideration. If you are a California Consumer and would like exercise your Right to Opt-Out of Sharing, please submit your request at


Right to Opt-Out Of Sale


California Consumers have the right to opt-out of the sale of your Personal Information. If you are a California Consumer and would like to exercise your Right to Opt-Out of Sale, please submit your request at



Other Important Information for Do Not Sell or Share


Avenue engages in online advertising practices (and certain analytics or similar activities), which may be considered a “sale” or “share” for cross-context behavioral advertising under the CCPA and CPRA. To disable sharing through cookies set by 3rd parties that may be considered "sales" or “sharing” under the CCPA and CPRA, click here.

In addition, the Digital Advertising Alliance also offers tools for California consumers to send requests under the CCPA and CPRA to opt out of the sale of personal information by some or all of the participating companies.


Right to Limit the Use and Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information


Under the CPRA Regulations, a business must only provide the Right to Limit the Use and Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information when such use is not collected or processed for the purpose of inferring characteristics about a consumer, or does not fall under certain statutory exceptions, pursuant to CPRA §1798.121. Avenue’s use and disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information is not used for such purpose and/or falls within the statutory exceptions, and we therefore do not offer this right at this time.


Data Retention


Avenue will not retain Personal Information for longer than is reasonably necessary for each disclosed purpose outlined in this California Privacy Notice and our Privacy Policy, and as otherwise needed to address tax, corporate, compliance, litigation, and other legal rights and obligations. Avenue retains all categories of personal information described in this California Privacy Notice: (1) for as long as you have an account with us and while you continue to use or visit any of the Channels; or (2) for as long as it is reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, considering the time period reasonably necessary to provide the Channels and our services to you; exercise the choices and rights you have requested; comply with our contractual obligations; enforce our terms for use of the Channels; and comply with legal and regulatory requirements.


Users Younger than 16


We do not knowingly sell or share Personal Information of users younger than 18 years of age.


Right to Non-Discrimination for the Exercise of a Consumer’s Privacy Rights


California consumers have the right to not receive discriminatory treatment for exercising CCPA and CPRA rights. We will not discriminate against you for exercising your CCPA and CPRA rights.


Notice of Finance Incentive


Under California regulation, certain aspects of our loyalty and similar programs, which provide benefits to consumers, may be considered a financial incentive program. We collect personal information from you in connection with our loyalty program, e.g. contact information (name, email address, residential address) and commercial information (like purchase history) for a number of reasons, including to administer the program, contact you with regard to your account (if any), to provide the benefits to you, to better serve you, and to fulfill your requests associated with the program.

To opt into our loyalty or similar programs, as set forth herein you will need to provide certain information, register for an account and agree to the applicable program terms, or otherwise follow the instructions associated with the loyalty or other similar programs. Participation in our loyalty or other similar programs is voluntary and you can withdraw at any time.

To the extent that we provide programs that may be considered a financial incentive because the program is directly or reasonably related to the collection, deletion or retention of consumer personal information, the value is reasonably related to the overall value we receive from the personal information participants provide specific to the program minus the costs and expenses we incur in providing the program.




The Personal Information we collect about you will depend upon how you use our Channels or otherwise interact with us. Accordingly, we may not collect all the below information about you.

In addition to the below, we may collect and/or use additional types of information and will do so after providing notice to you and obtaining your consent to the extent such notice and consent is required by the CCPA and CPRA.


Categories of Sources from which the Information was Collected

Business or Commercial Purpose(s) for which Information is Collected

Categories of Third Parties to whom this type of Personal Information is Disclosed for a Business Purpose

Categories of Third Parties to Whom this Type of Personal Information is Sold

Category of Personal Information Collected: Identifiers

This category includes real name; alias; contact information (such as postal address, phone number, and email address); unique personal identifier; online identifier; device identifier; Internet Protocol address; account name; birth day and month; or other similar identifiers.

We may collect this type of information from:

Consumer (i.e., you);

Cookies and tracking technologies;

Third-party social media companies;

Affiliated Brands and other third-party business partners; and

Third-party data resellers.

This information is collected:

to allow you participate in the Channels, or features or activities we offer;

to process a transaction (through our Channels or in our stores) or your account registration, verify your identity or eligibility, and send you confirmations and receipts;

to send you information and special offers from us, our advertisers, or third-party business partners;

to contact you regarding any problems with your merchandise order or account;

to respond to your inquiries and provide customer service related to your use of the Channels;

to administer and manage our affiliate program, through which third parties make money by referring customers to our Channels;

to protect against misuse of the Channels, fraud, or any criminal activity;

to help us serve you better, including personalizing your shopping experience and tailoring content, recommendations, and offers we display to you, including advertisements;

to improve the Channels or our products and services;

for legal, regulatory and internal business purposes;

to detect and troubleshoot problems, resolve disputes, and enforce applicable agreements and policies for the Channels;


for other purposes disclosed to you at the time of collection or undertaken with your consent.

We may disclose this type of information to:

Affiliated Brands;

Service providers, such as those described in the “SHARING OF INFORMATION” section of our Privacy Policy, above;

Third parties we partner with for contests, sweepstakes, or promotions;

Third party advertising and analytics companies;

Third parties who may acquire your information as a result of a merger, acquisition or other ownership transition;

Third parties or affiliated companies when you agree to or request that we share your information with them;


Other third parties (including government agencies) to comply with law, regulation, or legal request (such as pursuant to subpoenas or court orders) or to protect or defend our or any third party’s legal rights.

We may sell this type of personal information to:

Third parties and Affiliated Brands for their own marketing purposes.

In addition, third-party advertising, analytics, and similar marketing business partners may have access to this data and this may be considered a “sale” or “share” under the CCPA and CPRA under certain circumstances.

Category of Personal Information Collected: Any Categories of Personal Information as Defined in Subdivision (e) of Cal. Civ. Code Section 1798.140

This category includes name; physical characteristics or description; address; telephone number; driver's license or state identification card number; education; occupation or field; and gift card information

We may collect this type of information from:

Consumer (i.e., you);

Third-party social media companies;

Affiliated Brands and other third party business partners; and

Third-party data resellers.

This information is collected:

to allow you participate in the Channels, or features or activities we offer;

to process a transaction (through our Channels or in our stores) or your account registration, verify your identity or eligibility, and send you confirmations and receipts;

to send you information and special offers from us, our advertisers, or third-party business partners;

to contact you regarding any problems with your merchandise order or account;

to process your employment application;

to respond to your inquiries and provide customer service related to your use of the Channels;

to administer and manage our affiliate program, through which third parties make money by referring customers to our Channels;

to protect against misuse of the Channels, fraud, or any criminal activity;

to help us serve you better, including personalizing your shopping experience and tailoring content, recommendations, and offers we display to you, including advertisements;

to improve the Channels or our products and services;

for legal, regulatory and internal business purposes;

to detect and troubleshoot problems, resolve disputes, and enforce applicable agreements and policies for the Channels; and

for other purposes disclosed to you at the time of collection or undertaken with your consent.

We may disclose this type of information to:

Affiliated Brands;

Service providers, such as those described in the “SHARING OF INFORMATION” section of our Privacy Policy, above;

Third parties we partner with for contests, sweepstakes, or promotions;

Third party advertising and analytics companies;

Third parties who may acquire your information as a result of a merger, acquisition or other ownership transition;

Third parties when you agree to or request that we share your information with them;


Other third parties (including government agencies) to comply with law, regulation, or legal request (such as pursuant to subpoenas or court orders) or to protect or defend our or any third party’s legal rights.

We may sell this type of personal information to:

Affiliated Brands and third party business partner for their own marketing purposes.

Category of Personal Information Collected: Characteristics of Protected Classifications under California or Federal Law

This category includes age; marital status; and sex (including gender)

We may collect this type of information from:

Consumer (i.e., you); and

Third-party data resellers.

This information is collected:

to help us serve you better, including personalizing your shopping experience and tailoring content, recommendations, and offers we display to you, including advertisements; and

to improve the Channels or our products and services

We may disclose this type of information to:

Affiliated Brands;

Service providers, such as those described in the “SHARING OF INFORMATION” section of our Privacy Policy, above;

Third parties we partner with for contests, sweepstakes, or promotions;

Third party advertising and analytics companies;

Third parties who may acquire your information as a result of a merger, acquisition or other ownership transition;

Third parties when you agree to or request that we share your information with them;


Other third parties (including government agencies) to comply with law, regulation, or legal request (such as pursuant to subpoenas or court orders), or to protect or defend our or any third party’s legal rights.

We may sell this type of personal information to:

Affiliated Brands and third party business partners for their own marketing purposes.

Category of Personal Information Collected: Commercial Information

This category includes information about your transactions at our stores and online, including records of items considered, purchased, and returned; information about reviews you have written; information about your customer service contact history (such as when you interact with our customer service team over the phone or through chat or if you respond to our text messages, including transcriptions of conversations and IVR recordings); information about your participation in our loyalty program or other member programs (such as how many points you have and promotion codes we send to you); and information about your participation in any contests, sweepstakes, or promotions

We may collect this type of information from:

Consumer (i.e., you);

Cookies and tracking technologies;

Affiliated Brands and other third-party business partners; and

Third-party data resellers.

This information is collected:

to allow you participate in the Channels, or features or activities we offer;

to process a transaction (through our Channels or in our stores) and send you confirmations and receipts;

to respond to your inquiries and provide customer service related to your use of the Channels;

to administer and manage our affiliate program, through which third parties make money by referring customers to our Channels;

to protect against misuse of the Channels, fraud, or any criminal activity;

to help us serve you better, including personalizing your shopping experience and tailoring content, recommendations, and offers we display to you, including advertisements;

to improve the Channels or our products and services;

for legal, regulatory and internal business purposes; and

to detect and troubleshoot problems, resolve disputes, and enforce applicable agreements and policies for the Channels.

We may disclose this type of information to:

Affiliated Brands;

Service providers, such as those described in the “SHARING OF INFORMATION” section of our Privacy Policy, above;

Third parties we partner with for contests, sweepstakes, or promotions;

Third party advertising and analytics companies;

Third parties who may acquire your information as a result of a merger, acquisition or other ownership transition;

Third parties when you agree to or request that we share your information with them;


Other third parties (including government agencies) to comply with law, regulation, or legal request (such as pursuant to subpoenas or court orders), or to protect or defend our or any third party’s legal rights.

We may sell this type of personal information to:

Affiliated Brands and third party business partners for their own marketing purposes.

In addition, third-party advertising, analytics, and similar marketing business partners may have access to this data and this may be considered a “sale” or “share” under the CCPA and CPRA under certain circumstances.

Category of Personal Information Collected: Internet or Other Electronic Network Activity

This category includes the hardware model, browser, and operating system you are using; the URL or advertisement that referred you to the Channel you are visiting; all of the areas within the Channels that you visit; devices you have used to access the Channels; login information (such as your last login); your time zone; location information based off your IP address; mobile network (if applicable); and session recordings.

We may collect this type of information from:

Cookies and tracking technologies.

This information is collected:

to allow you participate in the Channels, or features or activities we offer;

to administer and manage our affiliate program, through which third parties make money by referring customers to our Channels;

to protect against misuse of the Channels, fraud, or any criminal activity;

to help us serve you better, including personalizing your shopping experience and tailoring content, recommendations, and offers we display to you, including advertisements;

to improve the Channels or our products and services;

for legal, regulatory and internal business purposes; and

to detect and troubleshoot problems, resolve disputes, and enforce applicable agreements and policies for the Channels.

We may disclose this type of information to:

Affiliated Brands;

Service providers, such as those described in the “SHARING OF INFORMATION” section of our Privacy Policy, above;

Third parties who may acquire your information as a result of a merger, acquisition or other ownership transition;

Third parties when you agree to or request that we share your information with them;


Other third parties (including government agencies) to comply with law, regulation, or legal request (such as pursuant to subpoenas or court orders), or to protect or defend our or any third party’s legal rights.

We may sell this type of personal information to:

Affiliated Brands and third party business partners for their own marketing purposes.

In addition, third-party advertising, analytics, and similar marketing business partners may have access to this data and this may be considered a “sale” or “share” under the CCPA and CPRA under certain circumstances.

Category of Personal Information Collected: Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information

We may collect images or recordings from you when you use certain features of the Channels, such as writing product reviews. We may also contact you directly regarding re-use of a photo or video you have created. Depending on what they capture, these images and recordings could be considered Personal Information under CCPA.

We may collect this type of information from:

Customer (i.e., you); and

Third-party social media companies.

This information is collected:

to allow you participate in the Channels, or features or activities we offer; and

for product development, marketing, and similar business purposes.

We may disclose this type of information to:

Affiliated Brands;

Service providers, such as those described in the “SHARING OF INFORMATION” section of our Privacy Policy, above;

Third parties we partner with for contests, sweepstakes, or promotions;

Third parties who may acquire your information as a result of a merger, acquisition or other ownership transition;

Third parties when you agree to or request that we share your information with them;


Other third parties (including government agencies) to comply with law, regulation, or legal request (such as pursuant to subpoenas or court orders) or to protect or defend our or any third party’s legal rights.

We do not sell or share this category of information.

Category of Personal Information Collected: Inferences Drawn from Any of the Information Identified Above to Create a Profile about a Consumer

We may draw inferences from any of the information we have collected or may receive inferences drawn by a third party. These inferences may relate to your perceived interests, preferences, characteristics, or behavior.

We may draw these inferences ourselves or acquire them from third-party data resellers.

This information is collected:

to help us serve you better, including personalizing your shopping experience and tailoring content, recommendations, and offers we display to you, including advertisements;


to improve the Channels or our products and services.

We may disclose this type of information to:

Affiliated Brands;

Service providers, such as those described in the “SHARING OF INFORMATION” section of our Privacy Policy, above;

Third parties who may acquire your information as a result of a merger, acquisition or other ownership transition;

Third parties when you agree to or request that we share your information with them;


Other third parties (including government agencies) to comply with law, regulation, or legal request (such as pursuant to subpoenas or court orders) or to protect or defend our or any third party’s legal rights.

We may sell this type of personal information to:

Affiliated Brands and third party business partners for their own marketing purposes.

In addition, third-party advertising, analytics, and similar marketing business partners may have access to this data, including to better serve you more relevant and sometimes location-based advertisements, and this may be considered a “sale” or “share” under the CCPA and CPRA under certain circumstances.


Contact for More Information

You can contact us for more information or if you have any questions about any of these rights:


Mail (US):
45 North Broad St
Ridgewood, NJ 07451
Attn: Privacy Officer 



As stated above in this Privacy Policy, Avenue does not share personal information with third parties for their direct marketing purposes (as defined by California Civil Code Section 1798.83) unless we give you choice (an opt-out) before sharing with those third parties.

If you are a California resident and you have questions about our practices with respect to sharing information with third parties for their direct marketing purposes and your ability to exercise choice, please send your request by email to or write us at:


45 North Broad St
Ridgewood, NJ 07451
Attn: California Privacy Rights 


You must put the statement “Your California Privacy Rights” in the subject field of your email or in the address line of your envelope. You must include your name, email address, street address, city, state, and ZIP code. We are not responsible for notices that are not labeled or sent properly, or do not have complete information.


Contact Information


Visit our Contact Us Page

To contact us regarding products, transactions and services, contact us at:

C/O Avenue C/O Radial
8838 E County Rd.

100 South
Avon, IN, 46123, USA

Customer Service Phone Number: (888) 843-2836
International: (925) 273-6992

To contact us regarding this Privacy Policy, contact us at:

45 North Broad St.
Ridgewood, NJ 07451
Attn: Legal